CHHS P & C Life Members
The Castle Hill High School (CHHS) Parent and Citizens (P&C) Association takes great pride in recognising the outstanding contributions of its members and volunteers. Through their unwavering dedication and tireless efforts, they have significantly enriched the school community.
The P&C Association bestows the honour of Life Membership or Outstanding Service upon those who have made a lasting impact. These individuals have gone above and beyond, shaping the school’s success and fostering a sense of belonging.
Below is a list commemorating our CHHS P & C Life Members:
Year Title Name
1977 Mrs Shirley Purser
1981 Mrs Beth Leith
1981 Mrs Shirley Hamilton
1981 Mr Ianthe Parker
1984 Mr Ray Osborn
1989 Mrs Tamara Cox
1991 Mrs Helen Cooper
2005 Mr Enio Dona
2017 Ms Anne-Maree Kinley
2022 Mr Grahame Rosolen
2022 Ms Trinity Quinn
2024 Mrs Liga Hegner
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to these exceptional individuals for their selfless service and commitment to Castle Hill High School P & C and support for Castle Hill High School.

Contact Us:
Over the phone or online

Get in touch:
ABN: 53 809 007 900
Castle Hill High School P&C Association
Castle Hill High School
Castle Street